

Reflection from Hoh yi shiang
In today’s field trip to UMS, I have the opportunity to experience a new perspective of international company in China which the organisational structure is much flatter/decentralised. Additionally, the flatter organisational structure enable to have an effective and efficient communication between the junior management with the middle or top management as well as have a free flow of communication between employees and employers. Moreover, there are open to hire international employees which can benefit them in terms of knowledge exchange and cultural integration. With international employees, the cross-cultural communication with international clients would be easier since those international employees knew their cultural manners when communicating and other norms. Furthermore, I found out that the employees and employers of this company were friendly, kind, good at time management and also excellent communicating skills especially in Chinese and English language. In conclusion, I am glad that I have visited this company because I have learned a lot of things that are applicable for my future career and I hope that I can find a job or internship that have this kind of similar work structure/ environment.
Reflection from Chelsea
It’s a really interesting experience to visit such a flexible young company. As I have been to other company while it is a more traditional manufacture company. And it is the first time I imvolved in a such relaxing environment. So, from this trip I can apply the HRM knowledge to a real example and start to think about how to manage in a young company as well as how to attract the young generations.
此前,科友信息已经与宁波诺丁汉大学建立了良好的合作关系,这次访问也成为未来科友信息与宁波诺丁汉大学深入交流和学习的契机。随着本次活动的圆满结束,我们由衷期待其他高等教育,企事业机构来我司进行考察访问,希望分享科友信息的企业文化并开展进一步的学习交流。同时, 科友信息作为宁波留学生实习基地和就业实习基地,欢迎海内外的留学生以及各地双语人才的加入,期待共同建设一个年轻包容的创新企业。